Noises Off
Noises Off
Lyric Stage Company
Direction: Ilyse Robbins
Assistant to the Director: Dori Robinson
Fight Choreography: Ted Hewlett
Set Design: Erik D. Diaz
Lighting Design: SeifAllah Salotto-Cristobal
Sound design: Andrew Duncan Will
Costume Design: Seth Bodie
Props Artisan: Emily Allinson
Production Stage Manager: Shauna Dias Grillo
Photo credits: Mark S. Howard
“Under Robbins’ expert craftsmanship, the overall pacing of "NOISES OFF" never falters.” - Kevin T. Baldwin, METRMAG
“Under Ilyse Robbins’ direction, we are treated to outstanding physical comedy and split-second timing. One can only imagine the number of real rehearsals it took to have this many actors timing everything perfectly, and pulling it off beautifully.” - Lynne Weiss, Stage and Cinema
“...a glorious farce expertly performed and directed. The crackerjack ensemble cast is to die for, and all in on Director Ilyse Robbins’ vision….”
“Director Robbins, with the help of cast and crew, masterfully accomplishes the herculean task of making literally hundreds of doors open and close – or not open and close — at the exact right moments, making sure that cast members don’t actually kill each other, and that a myriad of technical details are in good hands. “ - Rich Fahey, On Boston Stages
“With so much happening in a show that calls for precision, director Ilyse Robbins keeps the action brisk at the Lyric…Robbins wisely has her actors play it straight and not as if they are in on the farce – an essential approach in making sure the comedy is fully realized” - R. Scott Reedy, BroadwayWorld