Road Show

Tony Castellanos*, Neil A. Casey*, Patrick Varner*, and the Cast of Road Show *member of AEA

Vanessa Schukis*, Brandon Milardo, Shannon Lee Jones*, Patrick Varner* (hidden), Tony Castellanos*, Robin Long*, David Makransky, and Jordan Clark* *member of AEA

Shannon Lee Jones", Neil A. Casey*, and Sean McGuirk* *member of AEA

Tony Castellanos*, Neil A. Casey*, Patrick Varner*, and the Cast of Road Show *member of AEA
Road Show
Lyric Stage Company of Boston
Direction: Spiro Veloudos and Ilyse Robbins
Choreography: Ilyse Robbins
Musical direction: Jon Goldberg
Set design: Cristina Todesco
Lighting design: John Malinowski
Sound design: Elizabeth Cahill
Costume design: Amanda Mujica
Photo credits: Maggie Hall Photography
"It's in the very capable hands of Spiro Veloudos and Ilyse Robbins at the Lyric Stage Company of Boston." - Jared Bowen, WGBH
"As I have written before, the team at the The Lyric Stage really know how to put on these small scale musical productions. Mr. Veloudos and Ms Robbins work very well together. But that should not come as any surprise as both know their craft well and have given audiences many great productions." - Bobby Franklin, Boxing over Broadway
"...Veloudos and codirector Ilyse Robbins keep the action flowing through ninety intermissionless minutes that never drag." - Evelyn Rosenthal, The Arts Fuse